Servicing & Diagnostics
At Clandillon, we deal with all major makes and models of cars and light commercials. We deal with car servicing, repairs and diagnostics. If you have any questions, you can reach me on (01) 627 5842
It is so important to get your car serviced regularly to ensure that it is kept in working order. We service almost every make and model of car and light commercial. To book in your car in for a service, call our office today!
Car Servicing
Servicing includes (but not limited to):
If we come across any issues when servicing your car, we call you and provide you with full details beforehand. All costs are outlined and if you wish to proceed we can go ahead and get the repair work done.
All modern cars are now fitted with computers connected to all the major functions of your car. These then work with the main unit to let you know when something is wrong with your car, for example when the oil light comes on. We do advise that you tend to any car troubles as soon as you can, as more often than not the issue will worsen, meaning that something that was affordable to fix can become a big expense. We have car diagnostics for almost every major make and model. Diagnostics cuts down on the amount of time we spend looking for the problem, meaning we save time and you save money.

Our mechanics are all highly experienced and qualified to carry out any work on your car. Our repair work includes everything from small jobs, right up to the tougher larger jobs. Again, we work on all cars and light commercials. Whether you know what the issue is, or you just know something is not right, call into us today, we will check this out for you.

Our repair service includes (but is not limited to):
Pre-NCT Checks
Clandillon Motors look after everything to do with tyres. Our services include:
New Tyres
Tyre Checks
Puncture Repairs
Tyre Alignment
Tyre Fitting

Failing your NCT can mean extra fees, which nobody wants to pay. Book your Pre-NCT with us here at Clandillon Motors to get a full and complete check of your car carried out beforehand. We check everything, including petrol and diesel emissions. This will minimise the risk of failing and help to make sure you pass first time. If we find anything that needs fixing or replacing, we let you know. If you are happy to proceed, we will then carry out the repair work.